Have you ever seen a mother nursing her baby in public and wished you had a way to discretely encourage her? Now you'll have a way to do that! Print this free download (keeping in mind that it is double-sided) and you'll have a set of cards to tuck away in your purse or diaper bag for the next time you see someone who might appreciate the support.
On the front is a friendly message of support, thanking the mother for helping to normalize nursing in public.
On the back, it explains that breastfeeding in public is legal and protected by both federal and Florida state law. (CLICK HERE for the laws in other states.) Sadly, it's not unheard of for a nursing mom to be approached in public and asked to stop feeding her baby. If that happens, this card can be a resource to her as she explains her rights.
If you are local and would like to have these cards laminated for durability, stop by our office during business hours and we'll be happy to do that for you!